Monday, February 13, 2012

Are You Getting the Sleep You Need?

That is, are you getting the kind of sleep you need - and are you getting enough of it? In 1959 middle-aged Americans slept an average of 8-9 hours per night. By 1992 that number had reduced to 7-8; about an hour less. Between 1975 and 2006 the percentage of Americans getting less than 6 hours of nightly sleep increased from 24% to 30%.
Sleep deprivation (restriction) reduces our performance during the day, and has adverse effects on our health. There are statistically significant correlations between those that are sleep deprived and those with hypertension, diabetes and weight gain.
Scientists continue to study sleep and its patterns. Some theorize that there are 4; others that there are 5 levels of sleep. What matters most is that it is a deep stage of sleep in which our brain rejuvenates. Many of us experience persistent interruptions to our sleep before entering this deep stage. This leaves our brains tired and worn out. In such a foggy-headed state, our thinking abilities are suppressed. It's more difficult to think clearly, and to concentrate.
One common cause of sleep interruption is apnea - a cutting off of air supply in the throat. Just as a sleep apnea sufferer is approaching a restorative deep sleep, there is a gasping for air. The sleep cycle is interrupted, and that deep level of sleep is not achieved. A moderate apnea sufferer may experience 20 to 30 or more such interruptions per hour. Many do not realize that such a problem exists, until a sleep partner notices it.
This can be diagnosed at a sleep center, and treated with a C-PAP machine (continuous positive air pressure). Such a treatment can keep the airways open, and allow for a deeper, more restful and restorative sleep.
The most common mattress problem is tossing and turning; this too can interrupt sleep. Pressure points cut off circulation, creating soreness, and sometimes a numbing sensation. Selecting the right mattress can correct this, as well as other problems, but that is the subject for another day.
In today's fast-paced and competitive world it is more important than ever to be at our best all day. If you wake up without feeling rested, if you are more tired than you think you should be, these are two areas of consideration.
Keep Smilin'! (or sleeping…)

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